Slaves To Gravity Release Date

Slaves to Gravity final coverSo myself, my co-author Somer Canon, and our publisher Ken McKinley at Silver Shamrock Publishing have decided to push the release back from its original date of July 7th.  We did this so that we could have a bit more time to work on edits, add a few extra goodies in the release, and give reviewers a bit more time to read the book.

The new release date will be August 4th, 2020!

Below is the official synopsis:

After waking up in a hospital bed, paralyzed from the waist down, Charlie Snyder had no idea where life would take her.  Dejected, broken, and permanently bound to a wheelchair, she believed her life was truly over.  That is…until gravity no longer applied.

It started out slow.  Floating from room to room.  Menial tasks without assistance.  When she decided to venture outside and take some real risks with her newfound ability, she rose above her own constraints to reveal a whole new world, and found other damaged individuals just like her to confide in.

But there are others things out there, waiting in the dark.  Repulsive, secretive creatures that don’t want Charlie to touch the sky.  And they’ll stop at nothing to keep her on the ground.


New Novel Announcement!

Cruel SummerToday, I am happy to announce that my newest novel CRUEL SUMMER will be out on September 24th 2020 from Poltergeist Press!  I am incredibly proud of this novel and work put in by not only myself, but Anna and Matt Hayward with the production, Don Nobel with the fantastic cover, and Jamie, Sadie, Todd, Ron, and Kyle for their beta-reading input.  I’m so thrilled to now be part of the Poltergeist Press family of authors.  This book will be available in four different editions: mass market-sized paperback, trade hardcover, e-book, and a signed/lettered hardcover from Thunderstorm Books.  Below is the official back cover copy:

Melissa Braun is a broken woman.  Only wanting what’s best for her family, she’s willing to do whatever it takes to mend her fractured relationship with her abusive boyfriend.  In a last ditch effort, she hopes the sun and sand of a much-needed Florida vacation will bring them closer together.

Patrick Braun is a demoralized kid.  Quiet and sullen, he only wants his mother to see her boyfriend’s torment crippling everything they love.  After years of silence, he refuses to stand by and let the abuse continue to tear them apart.

Hoyt Rainey is a vile man.  Unable to keep his hands to himself, he finally takes his anger one step too far.  Only this time, he finds himself on the receiving end of his own punishment.  Down and down he goes, plunging deeper into the dark blue abyss of the sea.

Melissa and Patrick finally believe they are safe, the trouble now behind them for good.  They are wrong.

Gods never really stay dead―they only lie in wait.  And when a beast as old as time discovers Hoyt…he, too, won’t stay gone for long.

The nights grow darker, the water flows colder, and the cruelty of summer lives on.