Total Recharge

No, I’m not dead.  I’m still here…sort of.  As of right now I’m on a much needed vacation with my girlfriend, visiting with friends and family in Pennsylvania.  You have no idea how bad I need this break from my home life.  Work has been completely insane, the heat for the past two weeks has been over 105 degrees, and my general will to write has been nearly non-existent.  I love to write, but the fact that I haven’t been able to produce much of anything in some time has nearly driven me insane.  Which is the very reason I’m on this vacation.  A mental and spiritual recharge is just what the doctor ordered.  I realize that the rest of the year could be total shit lime the first half, but I plan to hit it with vengeance.  I also plan to begin blogging more starting next week.  I’ll be the first to admit I’m lazy as hell when it comes to blogging, but in order to keep interest in my writing, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to continue building a fan base and keep myself sane in the year of non-stop work.

But to tide you over, here are some pictures of my Indianapolis trip to the Days of the Dead con on the way to PA, where I finally got to meet Tom Savini, Traci Lords, and my guitar idol, Ace Frehley (unfortunately the website that uploaded my Ace picture is having trouble loading a full-sized shot, but I will post it as soon I can get it working).  Enjoy!
































Horrible Saturday (or How I Spent My Summer Vacation)

I wanted to give a big shout-out to everyone who helped make it another great vacation in Pennsylvania last weekend.  I realize now that I should have written this a few days ago, but seeing as how I still haven’t even had time to wash my dirty clothes yet, this is coming out late.

I want to start off by saying that Southwest Air is the greatest airline ever.  It was a very pleasant flight…unlike the my last flight out to PA (cough *Continental* cough) which consisted of massive layovers, massive asshole in-flight neighbors, and losing my luggage.  But, hey, it made for a great story (titled “With Many Thanks to Newark,” which I sold, thank you very much).

Second, to the York Emporium for throwing a great little shindig called Horrible Saturday, which consisted of signings and panels with Brian Keene, Mary SanGiovanni, J.F. Gonzalez, Kelli Owen and Bob Ford.

Third, to my PA/MD/FL  friends Matt, Nikki, Susan, Dave, Michele, Scott, and Greg for hanging out and never ceasing to make me laugh.  Thanks guys (and gals).

And last, but certainly not least, my good friends Kelli and Bob.  Thanks for everything: for the advice, the sandwiches, the margaritas, the creepy house in the woods, that other fruity drink that burned so good, the pool, the tiki torches, the laughs, the tears, and the spirit recharge that I needed very badly.

Favorite Quotes of the Weekend (either from me or other people): “Does Wal-Mart sell dinosuar rape kits?”  “So how many stories do I have to sell before I get a fucking Sam’s cola?”  ” I am in PA.  You are drunk.  I’m not going to Dairy Queen for you, mom.  Go to bed.”  “Harry Potter is not on the east coast, he’s in England, and he’s not real.  Go to bed!”  “Boo, motherfucker!”  “Embrace your inner uterus.”

Overall, another great weekend in PA.  See you guys at Horrorfind!