Now Available: Grindhouse

Keep reminding yourself, it’s only a book…It’s only a book…It’s only a book…

From some of the best writers in the genre comes this all new collection of exciting, exploitative and downright nasty tale. From bug infestations to body mutilations, no stone is left unturned by these sick and twisted minds. Marvel, if you will, at the evil teddies; try to remain calm as the babysitter gets more than just free food and a nice tip; come out from behind the sofa and finish the tale about the flesh-eating clowns; regulate your breathing as the pole-dancer learns some new tricks. It’s all inside this terrifying anthology, and much, much more.

I’m very happy to annouce that Grindhouse, from Crowded Quarantine Publications, has officially been released!  Not only does it contain “Home Invasion,” the novelette co-written by myself and Nikki McKenzie, but 16 other stories of madness and chaos from some of the best new writers in the genre.  I think I speak for the both of us when I say this story was a blast to write and hopefully a blast to read.

Here’s the description:  Luck is in short supply these days, and truck driver Justin Fisher would know. With a gambling addiction threatening his budding family, Fisher sets out to right himself…but what he and his work partner find on a Tennessee mountainside may have other plans…

Patience is also running on empty as his fiancee, Missy, finds her own problem back at home…the squirming, multi-legged type.

Rednecks…aliens…bugs…and lot lizards…

Keep your eyes open. Invaders come from high and low.

As of right now it’s only available on Kindle (Nook version coming soon), but as soon as it’s released in paperback (I’m told in mid-July) or any other format, I will let everyone know.

Happy reading!

My First Real Interview

In support for the upcoming release of the Grindhouse anthology, I did an interview with Adam Millard from Crowded Quarantine Publications.  In it, we discuss current projects, my writing style, inspirations, and ice cream.  Although this isn’t technically my first interview (the real first one was back in 2010 at Mo*Con when Kelli Owen unexpectedly threw me onto The Funky Werepig’s live podcast with Greg Hall), this is my first one with some story sales to back it up.

Read the entire interview here.

Here We Go Again…

Well, it seems that Mr. Tony G. has not listened to the outcries of damn-near everyone in the publishing community over the last month.  My guess is that he suffers terribly from In-One-Ear-And-Out-The-Other Syndrome.  A few minutes ago I received an email from the now infamous Undead Press editor asking me if I’d like to re-publish my former Cavalcade of Terror story in a new anthology of his–complete with new name, new cover art, and all the Thanksgiving fixings.  I took every ounce of strength to not write back, “Are you fucking high?”  But since I strive to be a professional, I simply wrote:

Absolutely not.

–Wesley Southard

I’m asking everyone out there–whether you’re a writer or a fan–to please not fall for this man’s crap.  It’s obvious he hasn’t learned a thing from this experience and will continue to do what he’s always done best: screwing authors.  I urge everyone reading this to give Tony and his unsavory “publishing” ethics a wide berth, as I imagine what has already happened to several other authors will more than likely happen again.  I don’t mean any disrespect to those who have published with him or will continue to publish with him, and I’m not asking anyone to write any more mean-spirited reviews on Amazon or emails to Mr. G.  Just remember why this entire debacle started in the first place.  (If you need a refresher, just read the post titled “Enough is Enough.”)

Just a friendly warning.