Now Available: Cover of Darkness June 2012

I’m happy to announce the publication of Cover of Darkness Magazine’s June 2012 issue, which contains my short story, “Between Those Walls,” can be purchased here.  This is my first appearance in a quarterly fiction magazine, so I’m extremely excited, as I’m sure you can imagine.

“Between Those Walls” is actually one of my earliest attempts at short story writing and submitting, and contains one of my favorite characters to date, Warden Jerome Dempson (who I plan on revisiting eventually, maybe even several times).  The original final draft came out to around 11,000 words, which I tried to sell as a two-parter to a magazine a few years ago.  In a seven paragraph rejection letter (yes, SEVEN), the editor explained in fine detail why he had decided to pass.  He went on to explain what he liked about the story, what he didn’t like, and why 11k was far too long for this particular story.  He was right on every point.  Yes, there are editors out there willing to help newbies and not just push them aside.

Over the course of a few years I slowly cut it down to the manageable 5900 words it currently sits at, and I’m very happy how it turned out.  There was something about writing a prison break that was too hard to pass up.

Here’s the description: His wife is dying, and Doug Brett is determined to break from prison to see her one last time…even if something unseen is keeping him there. What exactly is Warden Dempson keeping between those walls?

I hope that you’ll give it a chance.  Hell, it’s only $10 (plus shipping)!